You tell us the images you want to go in a post and provide some bullet points about the session (vendors, locations, any fun or meaningful stories related to the day or the session), and we will:
- Write at least 300 words of content
- Resize the images for web
- Optimize the images (up to 20) and the content for SEO
- Design the blog post
- Include a call-to-action that encourages the reader to get in touch
- Save as a draft
All you have to do is look it over once it's done and either publish or schedule post.
Ba da bing, ba da boom. Blogging done for the week. (Don't you feel so accomplished!?)
We'll set up a schedule ahead of time about what you want going out in a newsletter and when.
We can include things like upcoming mini sessions, recent blog posts, holiday specials, calendar openings - basically anything your clients or potential clients want to hear about.
Once we have a schedule set up, we will:
- Set up a free newsletter service (if you don't have one already)
- Write the content for each newsletter
- Include a link or call to action, if relevant
- Design the newsletter
- Schedule it to send
A yes, we can help you with all of this from beginning to end 🙂

Here are your service package options:
1 Newsletter + 1 Blog Post / Month
$129/month USD
This is great if you have a lighter shooting schedule, and at least makes sure some of your sessions make it to the blog and you're at least keeping in touch with your newsletter subscribers.
1 Newsletter + 2 Blog Posts / Month
$229/month USD
If you want more regular blog posting, we can absolutely do that! We can put together two posts a month and a newsletter to make sure you're keeping in touch with your subscribers.
Custom Services
Price Varies USD
If you don't see an option here that you think would work for you, don't worry! We can customize a blogging and newsletter package for you that fits your content needs. We'll talk it all out ahead of time and work something out, k?
Have more questions?
Check out the FAQ section of my website and see if some of your questions can be answered there.
I can't promise I didn't make a bunch of shit up, but there may at least be something useful there.