A couple years or so ago I was looking for another editor to add to the team.
A friend of mine who runs a large Facebook group for photographers suggested that I post a job opening in the group.
One of the girls that applied was Holley.
And needless to say, the rest was history! Here's some more about Holley:

I took my first photography class in high school and I'll be honest - I hated it.
It wasn’t until I was in art school for fine art and living with four other photographers that I started appreciating it.
That appreciation ended up growing into a passion that lead to switching my major to photography.
I started working professionally in the photography industry over 15 years ago - first as a freelance photojournalist for various newspapers and magazines, then for my own portrait photography business, now for Beth.

I am a born and raised New Yorker now based in New Albany, Ohio.
I’m a wife to one of the best humans on the earth, and a mom to two little girls who I adore while simultaneously wanting to drop kick in the head. (#KeepingItReal)
I love photography and I geek out about SEO. I have recently become obsessed with drone photography and share in that obsession with my husband.
We are like two kids in a candy shop droning together – though sometimes I want to dropkick him in the head too.

I love God and I love growing in my faith. I stand by the motto of loving God and loving people. Not just some people, ALL the people, no matter what.
In my spare time I love spending time with my husband, kids, family and friends.
Aside from photography I enjoy a fresh cocktail, Netflix, true crime, reading, art, animals, food, travel, real estate, home remodeling, sleeping, and the ocean. Not in that order.

Ready To Let Holley Handle Your Blogging For You?
She's good, I promise.